The Alchemy of Ecstasy

A Transformational Journey

Welcome Brave Soul

Step into a transformative journey designed to set your spirit ablaze and awaken the dormant power within you. Your venture into this realm of self-discovery and transformation reveals your hunger for a life enriched with pleasure, intimacy, and connection.

Embrace the Unknown

Forge your way through discomfort and watch as growth and profound change await you. It is in this unraveling where new facets of perception, thought, and feeling emerge.

Discover your true authenticity and attain personal fulfillment in ways you’ve never imagined.

Course Overview

Alchemy of Ecstasy is your gateway to shadow integration. Dive deep into self-introspection and witness the untangling of your core stories, desires, existential yearnings, and unmet emotional childhood needs. Rediscover your true essence and re-write your life’s story under the meticulous guidance of The Urban Shaman, Celestino Cornielle.

Journey Structure

  • Duration : 12-week Sacred Pact

  • Mediums : Innovative lessons, assignments, exploratory exercises, physical rituals, and live video sessions.

  • Support: Unlimited access via email and Facebook messenger

Your Guide

Celestino Cornielle, The Urban Shaman, will be your beacon through this transformative voyage, providing a compassionate push and a firm pull to disentangle the threads of conditioning and liberate you from archaic toxic programming.

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